Main tournament rules:

  1.     All games are played on the platform:
  2.     Each match is played as a Best of 3 in Real-Time mode.
  3.     In the Super League and Higher League, players must play against every other player in their respective leagues.
  4.     In the First League, the tournament is divided into 2 stages:
    • Stage 2: The top players from the first stage play against each other in a round-robin format.

    • Stage 1: Separate groups where players play against every other player in their group. The top two players advance to the next stage.

  5. In all leagues, one round is played each week.
  6. In case of a tie in a single game, the victory goes to the player who played second.
  7. If a player runs out of time, they automatically lose the current game but not the entire match.
  8. Based on the results of each league:
    • The top two players move up to a higher league.
    • The bottom two players move down to a lower league.
  9. Prizes are provided for the winners of each league.


For more details, see the Google Doc file — Rules button (the file contains rules from UCOC 2024 and needs adaptation for UCOC 2025).

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