Ukrainian Carcassonne Online Cup (UCOCup) 2024 is a national Carcassonne cup where we play on the Board Game Arena (BGA) platform in a Best of Three format (up to two wins).


Each such tournament takes place once a year and consists of two stages:


1. Double elimination (up to two losses) - an unlimited number of players can participate.

2. Knockout matches - the top 16 players who passed the Double elimination stage.


Only Ukrainian players are eligible to participate in the championship.


Dates: September 9 - November 3, 2024


In addition to the enjoyment of competition and the community built around Carcassonne, the winner of UCOCup 2024 will have the chance to represent Ukraine in the qualification tournament for the Carcassonne Champions League 2025.

The tournament was recognized as the official Online Carcassonne Championship of Ukraine by Feelindigo, the publisher of the game in Ukraine.

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